Colloquia and Seminar
- 06-29-2016Applying Machine Learning for Gravitational-wave Burst Data Analysis (NAOC co...
- 06-22-2016Electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational waves (NAOC colloquium_No.18/2016)
- 06-05-2016The Dharma Planet Survey of Rocky Planets around Nearby Solar Type Stars (NAO...
- 06-08-2016Planets and Stellar Remnants in and out of Globular Clusters (NAOC colloquium...
- 05-25-2016Pieces to the Puzzle of Galaxy Formation(NAOC colloquium_No.15/2016)
- 05-18-2016GW astrophysics:theory,simulation and observation (NAOC colloquium_No.14/2016)
- 05-11-2016Testing Einstein’s Equivalence Principle with Cosmic Transients (NAOC colloq...
- 05-04-2016Hunting for Cosmic Baryons (NAOC colloquium_No.12/2016)
- 04-27-2016NOAO Today and Tomorrow (NAOC colloquium_No.11/2016)
- 04-20-2016Supernova 1987A(NAOC colloquium_No.10/2016)
- 04-12-2016Cosmological Measurements from Galaxy Clustering(NAOC colloquium_No.09/2016)
- 04-06-2016Solar flares and energetic particles(NAOC colloquium_No.08/2016)
- 03-30-2016EM Counterparts of Gravitational Wave events: Challenges and Chances (NAOC co...
- 03-16-2016Reverse Engineering Galaxies in the Big Data Era (NAOC colloquium_No.06/2016)
- 03-09-2016Exploring collider physics through gravitational wave surveys at early univer...
Projects and Platforms
Research Programs
Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope (LUT)
01 20, 2017
The 21 CentiMeter Array (21CMA)
01 20, 2017

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