Colloquia and Seminar
- 11-16-2016Planting seeds for gravitational wave generators around active galactic nucle...
- 11-09-2016Do Stars form by Gravitational Collapse? (NAOC colloquium_No.35/2016)
- 10-27-2016Turbulence and Magnetic Field in High-Beta Plasma of Intracluster Medium (NAO...
- 10-26-2016LIGO: A Laser Strainmeter for the Universe (NAOC colloquium_No.33/2016)
- 10-20-2016The Magellanic Stream: two ram-pressure tails and the relics of the collision...
- 10-19-2016A Good Hard Look at Growing Supermassive Black Holes in the Distant Universe ...
- 10-12-2016The Milky Way as a Laboratory for Galaxy Evolution (NAOC colloquium_No.30/2016)
- 10-12-2016The Breakthrough Initiatives: Life in the Universe (NAOC colloquium_No.29/2016)
- 09-20-2016太阳风湍流中的间歇和结构 (NAOC colloquium_No.27/2016)
- 09-14-2016Reverberation mapping of active galactic nuclei for black hole mass: current,...
- 09-07-2016NOAO Today and Tomorrow (NAOC colloquium_No.11/2016) (NAOC colloquium_No.25/2...
- 08-31-2016The Chilean Center for Astrophysics and Associated Technologies (NAOC colloqu...
- 07-27-2016Expansion History of the Primordial Universe (NAOC colloquium_No.22/2016)
- 07-12-2016Recent Results on Circumbinary Planets (NAOC colloquium_No.21/2016)
- 07-06-2016Advanced Stellar Population Synthesis and its Application (NAOC colloquium_No...
Projects and Platforms
Research Programs
Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope (LUT)
01 20, 2017
The 21 CentiMeter Array (21CMA)
01 20, 2017

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