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- The Chilean Center for Astrophysics and Associated Technologies (NAOC colloquium_No.24/2016)08 31, 2016
- Expansion History of the Primordial Universe (NAOC colloquium_No.22/2016)07 27, 2016
- Recent Results on Circumbinary Planets (NAOC colloquium_No.21/2016)07 12, 2016
- Advanced Stellar Population Synthesis and its Application (NAOC colloquium_No.20/2016)07 06, 2016
- Applying Machine Learning for Gravitational-wave Burst Data Analysis (NAOC colloquium_No.19/2016)06 29, 2016
- Electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational waves (NAOC colloquium_No.18/2016)06 22, 2016
- Planets and Stellar Remnants in and out of Globular Clusters (NAOC colloquium_No.16/2016)06 08, 2016
- The Dharma Planet Survey of Rocky Planets around Nearby Solar Type Stars (NAOC colloquium_No.17/2016)06 05, 2016
- Pieces to the Puzzle of Galaxy Formation(NAOC colloquium_No.15/2016)05 25, 2016
- GW astrophysics:theory,simulation and observation (NAOC colloquium_No.14/2016)05 18, 2016