- 10-25-2013One World, One Universe, One Dream - TMT in China
- 01-17-2012China, India to jump forward in astronomy with participation in Hawaii telescope project
- 11-07-2011Herschel Space Observatory SPIRE Instrument Control Center meeting hosted in NAOC
- 10-26-2011The Second Survey Visit by the IAU Delegation to Beijing
- 08-22-2011Star gazing in hawaii
- 06-08-2011President Obama Meets U.S. Laureates of 2010 Kavli Prizes -NAOC Partner, TMT Project Scientist Ho...
- 02-16-2011Richard Ellis Awarded Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society
- 01-05-2011Brazil to Join the European Southern Observatory
- 11-23-2010Professor Roger Blandford’s Visit to NAOC
- 06-23-2010The Nobel Laureate of Physics Had his Second Academic Visit to NAOC
- 08-09-2010Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Australia-China S&T Cooperation- Australia-China Roundtable o...
- 06-10-2010President LU Yongxiang Visited the Observatories on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- 12-03-2015NAOC Researchers Participating in the Discovery of New Fast Radio Burst

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Address: 20A Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China code: 100012
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