The 10th Xinglong Observational Astrophysics Training Workshop will be held in August 13-19, 2018. The workshop is supported by Bureau of Personnel of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), hosted jointly by the Key Laboratory of Optical Astronomy, National Astronomical Observatories of CAS (NAOC), and the Xinglong Observatory, NAOC. The main topic of the workshop is time domain astronomical observations and photometric data reduction. The program will include lectures on frontierof time domain astronomy, introductions of telescopes and instruments, lectures on photometric data reduction, practice of observations and data reduction, discussions on scientific projects based on observational data, examination, and final presentation of the participants’ achievements. Certificates will be awarded to excellent participants. All are welcome.
Topic:Time domain astronomical observations and photometric data reduction
Time: 13-19 August, 2018
Venue: NAOC campus (Beijing) and Xinglong Observatory (Hebei Province)
The registration for the workshop is at
No registration fee is needed.The deadline is July 13, 2018.The number of participants will be limited to 40. Registration will be dealt with on a first-come first-served basis for participants. We will close registration when 40 participants are reached or by July 13, 2018.
JunboZHANG (, +86 10-64807963)
YueWANG (, +86 10-64807726)
HuijuanWANG (, +86 10-64852307)

Address: 20A Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China code: 100012
Tel: 010-64888708 E-mail: