On Mar. 22, Prof. Zhang Jie, Vice President of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) met with Prof. Akio Komori, President of National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS), and Prof. Masahiko Hayashi, Director-General of National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), at the Headquater of CAS, Beijing.
Prof. Zhang Jie introduced the general situation of CAS and highlights some of its key initiatives, latest developments, and multiple roles as a R&D system, a merit-based academic society and a higher education institution. He said that CAS attaches great importance to the international cooperation with its international counterparts, especially with those world famous research organization and institutions including NINS and other Japanese research institutions. By joint efforts, CAS has established a close collaboration with NINS in different areas, such as the astronomers-based cooperation between NAOC and NAOJ. He congratulated both the Chinese and Japanese scientists for the fruitful accomplishments made in recent years.
Prof. Akio Komori, President of NINS, said that NINS has maintained a good cooperative relationship with CAS in the fields of nuclear fusion and astronomy. He also thanks CAS for its supports for the joint efforts over the years.
Prof. Masahiko Hayashi, Director-General of NAOJ, introduced the cooperation between NAOJ and NAOC based on the 30 m telescope (TMT) and the 8.2 meter aperture optical telescope (SUBARU). He also hopes that both sides will further deepen the cooperation in the long run.
Officials from the International Cooperation Bureau of CAS and NAOC also joined the meeting.
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